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Stonehenge - an Astronomical Calculator
In Southern England, Stonehenge is a group of stones, earth and timber structures that remain a mystery to mankind. Astronomer Gerald Hawkins has recently shown that the Stonehenge is not only aligned with solar and lunar astronomical events, but can be used to predict other events such as eclipses. This simple set of stones is perhaps an astronomical calculator!... posted on Jul 10 2003, 1,839 reads


Travelling across the country, Barbara Enhrenreich worked as a waitress, hotel maid, cleaning woman, nursing home aide, and Wal-Mart sales clerk to find out how America's working poor make it. Her answer: A lot of them don't. She has now written a best-seller called 'Nickel and Dimed' about her experiences.... posted on Jul 09 2003, 584 reads


Living History - Breaking the Silence
Anasuya Sengupta thought she was done with her share of fame. Eight years ago, first lady Hillary Clinton had read her poem titled "Silence" in a public talk; the poem was about breaking the silence of women around the world. But now, Senator Hillary Clinton has included that poem in her best-selling memoirs book -- 'Living History'!... posted on Jul 08 2003, 914 reads


... posted on Jul 07 2003, 493 reads


... posted on Jul 06 2003, 1,178 reads


Meet the 'Dubbawalas'
They maybe illiterate but they make one error in every 16 million transactions! Meet the 'dubbawalas' of Bombay. 5000 of them deliver 150,000 lunches daily in the Indian city of Mumbai and pick up the empty lunch boxes. Forbes Global recently gave them their coveted six-sigma rating and now, these 'dubbawallas' are the source of case studies internationally!... posted on Jul 05 2003, 1,495 reads


A decade ago, big food companies dismissed animal welfare research in slaughter houses as "emotional", but now McDonalds, KFC, Wendy's and Burger King are actually funding them. McDonalds, for instance, buys 2 billion eggs every year and has pressed the industry to increase by half the amount of space it allocates to egg-laying hens in factory hen houses. They also told its egg suppliers to stop... posted on Jul 04 2003, 1,032 reads


Child soldiers have long been fixtures in Africa's lingering civil wars. An estimated 300,000 children younger than 18 are fighting in 30 nations, a third of them in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the United Nations.... posted on Jul 03 2003, 476 reads


Time for Tea
Watch out green. Here comes the white tea. The pale minimally processed Chinese tea is being pitched as the next great thing for drinking and as a cosmetics ingredient. Researchers show that white tea has more disease-fighting antioxidants than green tea. The white elixir has joined green tea as a possible preventative for many troubles, from stopping certain cancers to fighting wrinkles.... posted on Jul 02 2003, 1,408 reads


Ecosandals Out of Kenya
Matthew Meyer, founder of, decided to start a business in Korogocho after seeing Kenyan poverty firsthand when he went to Nairobi in 1992 during his junior year in college. He came up with the Ecosandals concept after noticing that others liked the locally made tire sandals shoes and thought the cheap alternative to factory-made shoes might have an international appeal. Within 36 ho... posted on Jul 01 2003, 1,301 reads


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Pilgrims are poets who create by taking journeys.
Richard R. Niebuhr

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